Team Vantru Are Here For You

We understand what an incredibly difficult time this is for businesses and employees and we wish you and your family strength and health during this period of uncertainty. The health and safety of our team and our clients is at the forefront of our mind. We are doing all we can to help to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and have implemented our Business Continuity Plan with all of our employees working remotely and we are monitoring government guidelines closely for developments.

Rest assured that the team at Vantru are well equipped to continue to support our clients to the high standards you have come to know and we are available by phone +4428308 98358 and by email for urgent requirements.

Compliance for your company

We are here to assist you in any way possible and we will be in touch with each of our clients individually to advise upon the minimum compliance and advisory requirements for the client entities we manage on your behalf for the remainder of 2020.

Additionally, some relief has been granted in the UK and Ireland by the respective Company Registrars:


The Registrar of Companies in Ireland has decided that due to Coronavirus (COVID-19) all annual returns due to be filed by any Company now and up to 30th June 2020 will be deemed to have been filed on time if all elements of the annual return are completed and filed by that date. This will enable businesses and their financial advisers to focus on the more immediate financial challenges facing them at this time.


Companies House are allowing Company’s to apply to extend the period for filing annual accounts if, immediately before the filing deadline, it becomes apparent that accounts will not be filed on time due to your company being affected by Coronavirus (COVID-19).

We hope that we can resume meeting clients again soon under better circumstances.

Best wishes,
Team Vantru